

Department of Human Resource Management


Overview, Mandate, Vision

The Department is headed by Mr. Muhereza Patrick ,Commissioner – Human Resource Policy and Procedure.

The Commissioner is assisted by three Assistant Commissioners;

  • Assistant Commissioner Policy & Procedures
  • Assistant Commissioner Employee Relations

The Department of Human Resource Management is mandated to develop, interpret and review Human Resource Policies for the Public Service. The Department is responsible for the management, reviewing and updating of the Terms and Conditions of Service as well as the Public Service Policies, Procedures and Regulations, with a view to promoting good governance, accountability and transparency in the delivery of services and the Poverty Eradication Action Plan goals.

To ensure development and operation of effective Human Resource Policies, rules and regulations for the Public Service.

  • To plan for the operations of the Department.
  • To supervise and give guidance to the staff of the Department in the performance of their duties.
  • To initiate formulation and review of Human Resource Management policies, rules and regulations for the public service.
  • To monitor the implementation of Human Resource Management policies in Ministries, Departments and Local Governments.
  • To identify the training needs of staff and recommend appropriate training.
  • To provide information for Human Resource Management for the Public Service.
  • To carry out Performance Assessment of staff of the Department.
  • Promote work and professional Ethics by upholding and encouraging the highest standard of behavior to promote a good image of the Public Service.
  • To monitor and regulate the size of the Public Service and give reports.
  • To authorize and monitor financial expenditure of the Department.
  • To ensure effective management of the Wage Bill for the Public Service.
  • Sensitizing public officers on Terms and Conditions of service.
  • Translating Human Resource Management Policies into operational procedures and guidelines.
  • To regularly report on the Performance of the Department in relation to the annual performance plan.

Output: MDAs and LGs Capacity Building



  1. Strategies finalised and strategies were incorporated in the Pay and Benefits policy proposals
  2. Guideline for SACCOs as one of the alternative pay strategies was developed and a circular on the same issued to the service;
  3. Support supervision done in six districts and three Ministries (Sheema, Bushenyi, Iganga, Mayuge, Gulu and Otuke) (Min of Agriculture, Public Service and Min of Education
  4. Two Consultative meetings on retirement age for Health professionals were held in Mulago NRH and Butabika NRH Public Service Labour Unions consulted on the review of the Pay policy.
  5. Three districts visited to assess their eligibility for a hard to reach allowance;
  6. Pay policy disseminated to service
  7. 38 MDAs and LGs were supported and monitored on implementation of HR policies
    2 Meetings with Heads of Human Resource meeting for 28 Votes held.
    1600 Correspondences from MDAs and LGs seeking for guidance on HR matters and other Government Policies were responded to

Planned Outputs

  1. Capacity of staff to undertake specialised HR activities built
  2. Alternative pay strategy finalised and implemented
  3. Three HR Policies reviewed (Review terms and conditions for senior public officers; rewards and sanctions framework; salary, public service pay policy)
  4. Needs Assessment for review of the Public Service Standing Orders carried out and preparatory activities undertaken
  5. Technical support support supervision and monitoring of implementation of HR policies carried out in 8 MDAs and 16 LGs
  6. Line managers in 40 MDA/LGs sensitised on the best HRM practices
  7. Technical guidance on HR matters and other Government Policies provided to MDAs & LGs on request
  8. Capacity of staff to undertake specialized HR policy formulation and review built.


  1. Structures for 91 MDAs & LGs were updated on the IPPS.
  2. Human Capital Management System data collection templates developed and reviewed by the project implementation team.
    Functional support to 9 regional support centers was conducted.
  3. Payroll and pension files were sent by 11th of every month.
  4. A single deduction code was rolled out to 241 votes.
    Rolled out IPPS to 23 additional Votes

Planned Outputs

  1. 100% of Establishment Ceilings on IPPS updated and Job Descriptions coded and uploaded
  2. Implementation of 4 IPPS HR modules (Leave, Training, Recruitment, Performance Management) supported.