The Ministry of Public Service is organizing a Forum for all Records and Archives Cadre in Ministries, Departments and Local Governments.
The Forum under the theme, “Enhancing Capacity of the Records and Archives Cadre for the Transformation of the Uganda Public Service“, is scheduled to take place on 27th – 29th March 2018 at the Civil Service College Uganda, Jinja.
To that effect, each participant is expected to contribute UGX 350,000/- to meet cost of developing training materials, stationery, trainers/facilitators allowances and day time meals for three days.
All Accounting officers are requested to facilitate the Records and Archives Cadre staff to attend the forum. The participants fees should be paid through Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) to the Civil Service College Uganda Bank Account at least four weeks prior to the event. Below are the bank details:
Bank Name: Bank of Uganda
Account Name: Civil Service College Uganda
Account Number: 000050088000017.
Responsible Officers are also requested to facilitate the participants with transport and Per Diem to cater for accommodation and any other incidentals.
Confirmation of attendance should be made by 13th February 2018 to any of the following officers:
Ms. Annah Kesande on annah.kesande@publicservice.go.ug OR kesandeannah@gmail.com; Mobile: 0782123941/0754123941
Ms. Juliet Atoo on juliet.atoo@publicservice.go.ug OR julietatoo2016@gmail.com; Mobile: 0772864929 OR
Ms. Charity Nabude on charity.nabude@publicservice.go.ug OR cenabude76@gmail.com; Mobile: 0772564123.