The Team of Azerbaijan led by the Team delegate chief of Administration of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan have hailed GoU for going the right direction in establishment of the ” ONE STOP SHOP SERVICE CENTERS “.
The institutions and Agencies visited by the team and held meeting with indicated a positive direction implementation of the concept. Among noted was the mini- one stop service center at the Ministry of Public Service, National Identification Registration Authority (NIRA), Ministry of Information, Communication Technology and National Guidance (MOICT & NG ) through its Agency- National Information Technology Authority (NITA-U ) for providing the right oversight role in establishing the infrastructure needs and Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) and through their umbrella organisation ( Tax Registration Expanded Programme (TREP) being supported by the World Bank. This is very exciting the team noted especially the work that is done by the Institution.