Consultants yesterday presented the first draft report on the pre-feasibility studies of phase II CIVIL SERVICE COLLEGE -JINJA PROJECT at the ministry boardroom. The meeting brought together key technical partners in the implementation and appraisal of GoU funded projects. These included the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning representative , The National Planning Authority representative, Ministry of local Government representative, Office of the President representative and host ministry of Public service representatives.
Among the key findings that required to be reconsidered in the study of the phase II Civil Service College – Jinja proposal were the social impact mitigation measures , environmental assessment and state the new policy shift direction in terms of the support from funding ministry to align the resources needed for the project.The permanent Secretary Catherine Bitarakwate Musingwiire told members that the institution objective was to improve the quality of the civil service therefore the need to support the tea of consultants to produce the best document that would