Ministry on Thursday 17th Sept 2020 held a one day sensitization meeting for stakeholders who included among others the chairpersons and members of the Public Service and Local Government s committee, chairpersons of the committee on Budget,Finance and Legal, Members of parliament for workers Executive Director for URBRA, representatives of the Public Service Labor Unions, Technical staff from Parliament and Members of the Pension Reform Taskforce.
While officially opening the meeting the Hon. Minister of Public Service Wilson Muluri Mukasa said that the Pension Bill seeks to establish the Public Service Fund which will be contributory.
Minister added that the money collected will be invested in order to pay retirement benefits to workers on time.
I think this is a good proposal. We hope to see the operationalization of the bill.
Let the minimum wage bill also be considered.
This is an encouraging attempt bwana mukasa miruli, hope for minor ressistance on this prompt pension payment will so much reduce elderly psycheological torture (bravo minister)
This is worthy bwana mukasa go ahead.