The Hon. Muruli Mukasa together with the Hon. Mugasa Akiiki at the HCM User Acceptance Tests at Civil Service College Jinja Commissioner Compensation Bua Victor discusses Payroll Management on the Human Capital Management System The Hon. Muruli Mukasa together with the Hon. Mugasa Akiiki at the HCM User Acceptance Tests at Civil Service College Jinja The Hon. Muruli Mukasa together with the Hon. Mugasa Akiiki at the HCM User Acceptance Tests at Civil Service College Jinja Demonstration of the HCM Mobile App that will be used by the entire 330,000+ Public Servants in the Country for Payroll Details, Leave Management, Performance Appraisal, among many other things. Demonstrated by Assistant Commissioner Information Technology Mundua Patrick The Hon. Muruli Mukasa together with the Hon. Mugasa Akiiki at the HCM User Acceptance Tests at Civil Service College Jinja
Thanks To Hon.Minister Of Public Service Uganda, Okoze Ekintu Kilungi Okwetuukila. Dri Minister Mulungi Nyo,