Certificates Awarding Ceremony Certificates Awarding Ceremony Mr. Kaima Godfrey, Undersecretary MoPS gave Closing Remarks on behalf of the Permanent Secretary and Officially closed the training. 98iuyt Ms. Savia Mugwanya, C/CSCU gave Closing Remarks on behalf of the College Mr. Arinaitwe Emmanuel, Deputy Chief HRM, gave Closing Remarks on behalf of Kabale University Ms. Sunday Aidah, Deputy Registrar gave Closing Remarks on behalf of the participants Mr. Herbert Kiguli, C/HRM, MoFA took participants through “Effective Communication” Ms. Sophie Nakazzi, AC/HRM, PM, MoPS took participants through “Performance Management” Mr. Tusiime Adam Mugarura, AC/HRM, Compensation, MoPS took participants through “Career Transition and Management”