Senior staff at Ministry of Public Service have been advised to work from the heart instead of putting money first in everything that they do. This call was made by their Permanent Secretary Catherine Bitarakwate Musingwiire during her key note address during the staff retreat.
Bitarakwate highlighted the overall purpose of the retreat as was to build staff into a more vibrant , flexible and responsive team that is committed to results through adoption of creative and innovative strategies and easing internal processes and promoting cross departmental collaborations.
She also underscored the importance of the retreat going to be to brainstorm on salient issues affecting the Ministry’s operational efficiency, staff performance and to agree on performance improvements strategies for the institution.
Catherine called for a conserved efforts to ensure the ministry is compliant in performance management before it enforces other institutions.
While closing the retreat the Permanent Secretary made critical observations on the different departments and units implementation status of resolutions then since the last retreat in 2018 .she hailed the Communication Unit for their efforts to ensure the ministry visibility has improved both within and outside and Information communication and Technology (ICT) for their redesigning of the website and now more interactive and updated.
She also noted tremendous improvements in the performance management department efforts to cascade the appraisals in the ministry to up to now over 90% response of staff submission of their appraisals.
Catherine called for a change of attitude towards work and staff appreciating their contribution to the institution they serve. The need to promote unity in diversity and always aim at working with minimum supervision.
On Staff enhancement she assured them that in this coming FY 2020/2021 made a provision for 600 billion for salary enhancement with varied proposals of ranging between 30% to 40%.Roadmaps and different scenarios for the possibility of government enhancing salaries have been prepared, presented therefore only ask of you to keep your spirits with hope.
This was organised in order to enhance team building. It involved a range of activities that were geared towards re-energizing the spirit of team work and change of mindset.