A three day Uganda Public Service Human Resource Managers Network (UPSHRM Net) which started on 25th -27th May 2022 at CSCU under the theme: “Shaping Effective Public Service Delivery for National Wealth Creation and Prosperity of Uganda: A call for Human Capital Specialist”, has been officially closed by the State Minister of Public Service, Hon. Mugasa Grace Mary.
The minister has pledged full support of the ministry to the Human Resource Managers as they are the most precious resource of the country.
Comm. Savia Mugwanya giving her opening remarks at the UPS-HRMnet workshop taking place at the Civil Service College Uganda The PS MoPS, officiated the opening of a three day UPS-HRMnet workshop at the Civil Service College. Members of the HR fraternity from different Ministries, Agencies and Local Governments are in attendance to discuss how to shape Public Service Delivery for National wealth creation and prosperity for Uganda- “A call for Human Capital specialists”.
I have realised with concern that accounting officers need to tighten their belts to manage the current human Resource. But the government also needs to help them. Many people have gone to school and are not realising the appropriate engagements. Some are learnt than their supervisors, but the government have not taken an initiative to understand that. This is a big problem. Most supervisors don’t accept that their subordinates understand than them.
Strength the way how traditional workers /officers are handled since are denied a chance to pursue higher studies while working and once are tried to educate them self instead of motivating them by assigning them higher duties or promotion they demotivating them ! For example see the newly created cities Masaka inclusive.